Concrete Raising Services in St. Charles, MO

St. Charles, MO remains one of the most popular places in the metro area next to the river. And with water, moisture, and wet soil, comes sinking concrete problems.

If you're experiencing any of the common issues of deteriorating slabs you can contact our local company with friendly, on-call staff members that can provide all the information you need. You can request an estimate or set up an appointement at any.

We offer fast and efficient concrete raising services for homeowners needing longlasting results that can protect against St. Charles natural climate and soil conditions. With polyjacking, we can virtually realign any monolithic slab using a three step process that's less intrusive, less expensive, and more reliable.

Concrete Stair Raising

Common Areas We Repair Sinking Slabs

Basements and Garages Concrete Flooring

If you have a basement we can level the floor to a more smooth surface and avoid the potential leaks from cracks. With garage floors we can steadily lift the monolithic slab back into position. If the floor is already cracked we assess each spot until all sections are completely flat.

Patios and Outdoor Pool Deck Slabs

Any type of outdoor concrete slabs such as patio bases or poured concrete pads for pool decking can be smoothed out. In cases of masonry or tiled concrete, the service would be more in-depth to assure each section is aligned.

Driveways and Sidewalks

Driveways are a bit more tricky to make sure the area is smooth. Different than typical slabs, driveways or entryways (exterior concrete) is poured and follow a unique shape. When we provide this service our experts make sure the surface is completely leveled in all areas of the entrance.

Sidewalks or pathways are typically the same as normal slabs and much easier adjust during the project completion.

Our Raising Techniques and Methods

We use a method called 'slabjacking' which does not require excavation. In fact, it was designed for that very reason. The technique is based on a process of drilling a hole, inserting a tube, and injecting liquid material underneath the slab. When the space is completely filled the slab will raise up and level to the appropriate measurements. We offer two different types of materials:

  1. Cement - We use a patented mixture that is not limited by cement alone. It's consisted of water, dirt, and cement altogether for stronger hold. This is called 'mudjacking'.
  2. Polyurethane Foam - It's the latest advancement in technology. Extremely versatile and virtually indestructible when cured. This is called 'polyjacking'.

More Information - Contact Us Today

If you're a homeowner in St. Charles and all of the previous information was a bit overwhelming, we are here to help. We enjoy explaining the ins and outs of concrete leveling to provide more insight to our customers. Our professional approach is to educate ourselves and the homeowner so that we're on the same page before beginning any project.

If you would like to learn more you can contact our friendly customer service representatives at any time. We offer free estimates and consultations.

We can repair the following sunken items:

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